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Saturday, 13 2024

Erasmus Policy Statement

State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin is the only state-supported school of higher education in the town and the region. Nearly 3,000 students attend BA and engineer courses offered by the School. To meet students’ needs and expectations, people responsible for international cooperation set trends for the internalization policy of State School of Higher Professional Education is in Konin. The School is focused on continuous development. This aim is to be achieved mainly through modernization and internalization of our activity.
State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin goes to great lengths to establish partnership with universities from various parts of Europe as well as other continents.
Authors of the internationalization policy of the didactic process at the School believe that the best model of internationalization involves not only having a large number of partners but, what matters more, establishing contacts with
countries of diverse character. Such an approach allows students, teachers and administration to acquaint with cultural diversity, fight stereotypes, prevent racial prejudice and xenophobia, broaden the mind, and experience what is known only in theory.
That is why the School continuously undertakes effort to expand the scope of international cooperation, increase the number of foreign partners and establish partnership with universities from distant geographical regions.
At present, State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin can take pride in 40 bilateral and 4 international agreements with foreign universities. We have been cooperating with European and Asian universities. In the last year the School has signed tens of partnership agreements and intends to search for more partners in the future. Currently new partners are being sought in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Bielarus).
Agreements with international partners are signed with great caution, following a careful analysis of the profile and condition of the prospective partner, and under clear rules. Because of this reason control visits to the potential partner are organized and representatives of the partner pay visits to our school before an agreement is signed. Each agreement, before it is signed by the Rector, needs to be approved of by the Senate. Once the agreement is signed the School makes sure all the provisions are complied with. Because of this, coordinators responsible for contacts with the partner are appointed.
The target group of the School Strategy on internalization are students, teachers, administration staff and employees of companies and institutions the School cooperates with. The implementation of the premises of the internalization policy consists in studying at a foreign university for a period of time or doing practical training abroad. Under bilateral partnership agreements the School accepts foreign students who either study or do their practical training. With a view to the professional development of the staff the School enables employees to visit partner universities. Teachers may give lectures or conduct classes during their stay abroad. Administration staff get a rare possibility to observe the way foreign schools/institutions function.
Modernization and internationalization of the didactic process are key notions for the strategy of State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin. It is hoped that the implementation of the strategy will bring tangible effects, including developing the academic staff’s qualifications, which will lead to introducing new techniques, enriching the scope of courses, adding courses in English.
The School, thanks to internationalization, creates better opportunities for its alumni to function on the international labour market. The administrative staff, thanks to their participation in worhshops/projects, exchange of good practices, contribute to the improvement of the functioning of the School.
State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin has signed an agreement with a Lithuanian university on cooperation with respect to the organization of the process of studies. Currently attempts are being made to establish the programme of studies that could lead to obtaining a double degree.

The development of international cooperation as well as increasing of its quality is nowadays one of the key issues for the functioning and development of State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin. Our School is continuously developing and attempts are made to ensure the best possible start into the professional career for our students. As far as the teaching staff are concerned, the School creates possibilities for development and gaining new competences.
Consequently, participation in international projects will be perceived as one of key elements for the development of State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin. The aim of joint projects will be, first and foremost, increasing the quality and attractiveness of education as well as facilitating international cooperation and exchange of good practices in the field of education. We plan to intensify cooperation with some foreign universities to develop joint programs of study leading to a double degree. The university is planning to cooperate with foreign companies in order to strengthen the transfer of knowledge onto the European labour market.
Within the framework of international agreements with partner universities outside the EU we are going not only to continue but also intensify cooperation in the exchange of students and for scientific purposes. Within international projects with partners from Russia, we intend to create the possibility of organizing scientific workshops and summer schools for students.

One of paramount objectives of the School within the strategy for 2014-2020 is to sustain and enlarge the number of partner universities and intensify the participation of students and staff members in the exchange, thanks to which they will be able to gain qualifications, improve competences, and advance their command of foreign languages.
The didactic process will be internalized thanks to: promoting doing part of the program abroad, providing financial support for mobile students, flexibility concerning giving credit to students studying abroad. Creating a wide range of options for doing student practices abroad will contribute to the increase of the number of students willing to gain professional experience in other countries.
We intend to analyse investment plans and economic development schemes as well as trends in demography and tendencies on the labour market in order to modify and adapt our educational offer. We shall make every effort to intensify
cooperation with companies. Sustaining best possible bonds will enable us to obtain future partners, who, in the long-time perspective, might turn out to be potential employers for our students.
To strengthen collaboration between the School and local companies the Program Council of State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin for the years 2011-2015 was established, which will facilitate transfer of knowledge and innovation.
Strengthening of the human potential and the development of infrastructure of the School constitute a crucial aspect of the School’s development strategy for 2014 – 2020. Well-qualified and satisfied employees as well as modern infrastructure will be the springboard to success.
To ensure the financial stability the School will continue to intensify efforts to rationalize operating costs, acquisition of external funds for repairs and investment and efficiently use the assets held.
In order to obtain the largest number of candidates the School attempts to ensure the students’ maximum satisfaction thanks to continuous enrichment and greater flexibility of teaching. Therefore, our goal is to run both new courses and specializations in the first degree, as well as to launch MA programs in selected fields. The staff and authorities of the School are intent on improving the quality of teaching to make sure that our graduates have advantage on the labour market, as well as make the School a friendly place to study, where aspirations and expectations of the local community
are met.
The aim of the School is strengthening the human potential to support the development of teaching and non-teaching staff.
We intend to achieve this objective by assisting and directing employees to training in outdoor units, in line with the development of their career, organizing courses, seminars, conferences, which will help improve the skills the School staff.
Investment in human resources is very important for the functioning of the school.


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