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Saturday, 13 2024

Students’ affairs offices

Teaching and Students’ Affairs Office is responsible for documenting the process of daily and non-daily study (student’s books, examination cards, etc.), and for financial support for students (including scholarships). It also issues diplomas, diploma supplements, certificates, duplicates of documents, publishes instructions for filling in student’s books, publishes lists of semester exams, deadlines for professional training pass, attends to various committees (grants, social, scholarship, accident, exam, diploma committees), and monitors the departments’ student records filing.
The office is located at 1 Przyjaźni Street, room 6 (ground floor)
tel.: (48 63) 249 72 30
email: dziekanat@konin.edu.pl
Opening hours for students:
  • Monday through Friday 7 a.m.-15 p.m.
  • Saturday:  7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
All matters concerning postgraduate studies are dealt with by the Other Education Forms Section, located at Przyjaźni Street 1, room 8 (ground floor), tel. +48 63 249 72 34
In the School there is a so-called “multimedia kiosk” with a touch-on liquid crystal monitor and access to the PWSZ in Konin Intranet. Students use it to register for courses, to express their opinions on the discussion forum, to fill in questionnaires, and to monitor the results they achieve in learning.


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