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Saturday, 13 2024

Promotion Office

Student and Graduate Professional Promotion Office has been operating since 2002. It organises trainings for students and graduates in order to better prepare them for entering the job market. It helps them to arrange trips abroad – either to gain additional qualifications, improve foreign language proficiency, or earn money. 

It cooperates with Employment Office in Konin - Youth Department, and helps students and graduates find jobs. Besides, the Office informs about courses, trainings, and new legal regulations concerning job market, which are organised at Polish Network Of Career Offices (Ogólnopolska Sieć Biur Karier), regional employment offices, Voivodship Employment Office in Poznań (Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Poznaniu), Education and Work Centre for the Young in Konin (Centrum Edukacji i Pracy Młodzieży w Koninie),  and school career centres.


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