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Sunday, 7 2024
Nearly one hundred students from Konin schools participated in the lectures open toPWSZ in Konin.

Youth of the School of Engineering and Metallurgy and Secondary School heard aJanuary 18 lecture, "How to successfully navigate the job market," Dr AgnesSzymankowskiej from the Institute of Economics. The same day, a lecture by Dr. hab.Radoslaw Fiedler from the Institute of Political Science, "negotiating with terrorists andsuicide - how to respond to crisis situations," 30 students attended the School ofEngineering and Metallurgy. The January 19 teenagers from a lecture I heard LO "Tower of Babel that is what is the language in the world and how they occur," Dr. MartyRadajewski from the Institute of Modern Languages​​.

Due to interest from high school is planned to open another series of lectures. How do Itell the students to come to school curious to see how different types of lectures from theclassroom. Proposed theme of the lectures found it very interesting.

Source: Portal Wielkopolski Wschodniej LM.pl
Hyperlink for oryginal text: http://www.lm.pl/aktualnosci/informacja/82639/pwsz__wyklady_otwarte


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