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Sunday, 7 2024
State High School will open for Doors Open, which will be held on 20 March, from 9.00.

During the "Open Door" the candidates will have the opportunity to get acquainted withthe various departments of education and prepared to participate in information meetings. Doors Open Higher Vocational State School in Konin opportunity to:
get acquainted with teaching (undergraduate, engineering studies, postgraduate studies, courses and training), to ask questions and clarify any doubts related to the ideal field of study, meetings with teaching staff, students and graduates of various fields of study, and representatives of student organizations.

Interested parties also will learn what it offers and how the Office of Career Services, anddetailed information about admission requirements to study at the State Higher Vocational School in Konin will be given by employees of the Office of recruitment. The guests will be waiting for surprises, numerous competitions, where you can win: a ticket to park in Ślesinie Rope, an invitation for 2 people for the ceremony naming the hall ofCWD with Jan APKaczmarka and Agnes Duczmal orchestra concert, tickets for theSQUASH-a ticket Nosowska concert in Konin, a ticket to a concert of old good marriage (KDK), tickets for the Connoisseur Cinema (Kino Oskard), a ticket to the concert free groups of Bukovina in the Municipal House of Culture in Krzymowie, invitations to bowlingin the hall Rondo, an invitation to a concert in the New Voices MSTR, tickets to a concertby Elton John and the driving course (driving school SUCCESS)

Source: Portal Wielkopolski Wschodniej LM.pl
Hyperlink to oryginal text: http://www.lm.pl/aktualnosci/informacja/83399/pwsz_otwiera_drzwi


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