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Career offices in Poland

Career Office in Poland

What are the careers office?

The name comes from the English (Career Services), it is from the UK, the idea came to Polish, the word career means beyond the spectacular success of the painful and regular professional development. Agents involved in the promotion of professional students and graduates, helping them to function in the labor market, conduct career counseling, training, inform the workplace, establish contacts with companies. Career offices appeared in Poland in the 90's - early in the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (1993) and consistently produced more.

Purpose of Action

The main objective is to help students with offices in the entry and effective functioning of the labor market, reducing unemployment among graduates and to help in establishing contacts between science and industry. Agents play an important role in promoting the university both to prospective students and companies.

Key areas for action

Advisory and training activities: training and seminars for students, open training as well as entered into the program of study, individual counseling, psychological tests, interview advice, assistance in preparing for contacts with employers, training events: Career Academy, INTRO, Lord of the Future.

Information activities: own publications and guides, free distribution of advisories, access to a database of companies, information on job opportunities for graduates.

Research activities: student survey, research preferences of employers.
Contacts with employers: company presentations at college job fairs and recruitment sessions.


Most offices act as autonomous units of universities established by Decision of the Senate, or prorektorom Rectors subordinate. These are not commercial institutions.Funded mainly from university funds. On average, employ 3-4 people, have their own rooms, technical facilities, computers, in most classrooms and Internet access.

National Network of Career Offices (OSBK)

In December 1998, was created OSBK whose main purpose is to exchange experiences and information and assistance in organizing the new offices. All agencies have a common purpose and function to the standards, each center also develops individual working methods. Foster the exchange of regular meetings of the members OSBK: the December conference in Krakow and summer training sessions in different parts of the Polish.

Office of Career Services represent a significant potential for both taking into account the experience and knowledge and taking into account the organizational and logistical aspects.


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