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Saturday, 13 2024

About the internship

At your request or with your consent the district labor office may refer you to an internship with the employer.

Internship - to perform in the workplace specific tasks, allowing the acquisition of practical skills that will later on their own job. during the placement does not establish a relationship.

Length of service with the employer is under an agreement concluded between the local employment office and the employer and referral issued by the district labor office. It lasts from three to 12 months and is implemented by a particular programu.Program allow you to self-perform work at the end of the placement. District labor office is required to familiarize you with the internship program, which includes a timetable for the practical implementation of actions or tasks in the workplace or in the profession.

Do you do an internship or a job in the current-time employee at the workplace or in the profession.

In the period of apprenticeship retain their status as unemployed and you have rights and obligations relating to the status of unemployed.

During the apprenticeship you are obliged to carry the card placement, in which you enter the type of activities or tasks and the periods of their execution. Card you think the district labor office prior to placement. The entries must be certified by the employer or person to whom the district labor office entrusted the supervision of the placement.
the completion of the internship you must immediately (no later than within 7 days of its completion) return the card in the district labor office.

On the basis of an entry in the card Labour Office will issue you a certificate of completion of internship.
During the placement you are entitled to a grant of unemployment benefits. If you complete the placement of his own fault, you are obliged to return the scholarship collected, unless the reason for non-completion was to take employment.


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